July 15, 2022


Silversnake Michelle Stefano Luna tribute band David Bowie
So much for politically correct... or better said, politically corrupt.

Emerging artists.

Is rock dead? Since long ago! the death came with grunge (which I adore), which marked the end of a musical and cultural era that was an explosion of creativity closely linked to an époque.

"Rock" was a social-cultural revolution (like all artistic movements). Today it no longer has the same meaning...how could it?

It exploded with an economic and cultural boom.

So rock was not just a musical genre.

It is reductive. Like the pictorial periods that marked artistic changes related to social status, music is a mirror of civilisation.

Today there is decadence and recession.

Music is enslaved to the system.

Rock went against it (Killing in the name of...).

And like every sine wave it has its downward phase. But all things goes by...

And this is the age of imitation.

Take a look around

What do you see?

Nothing? Really?

Well if so, you are now part of this rubbish pattern.

Rock today exists as a music genre for nostalgic boomers, who do not listen to the new rock, but the old one. The real one.

And anyway, I'm not the only one who thinks so.

I want to share this post, because if Maneskin's the resurrection of rock....? Really???

You say: "you are so envy, dear Silversnake!"

Yes it's true, but not of Maneskin. It would have been nice to have lived in the rock era

I probably would not have been famous, but I would have lived through a pulsating historical moment of cultural ferment, the age of rebellion.

I would have enjoyed it as a spectator.

But now not even that.

"But Maneskin's play real instruments" ...so what?

They make music...what the fuck are they going to do?

The audience is dumbly and hypnotically following all the sleazy gruel of the mainstream.

You can also play shit with real instruments.

Reality is that they are neither original or rock, but serve the System and the System need them.

They are only functional to it, like so many other things.

What about emerging artists?

Noo don't call them that.... emerging means you emerge sooner or later, but here we are talking about drowned artists.

Some unfortunately resign themselves to being such forever....

But they continue to make lived rock as a genre of music and as a way of life.

Let's save it, until the next re-evolution, which will be called no more rock!

Silversnake Michelle live show Ral Milano Valentino Vitali
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