I am never enough, as an artist.

I flay my skin, to lay bare what I am and I want, and to look for myself without frills.

To give listeners/viewers inconvenient but shareable truths.


Strong, ruthless, joyful moments and spaces unhinging what is usual and every sclerotic barrier.

Silversnake Michelle Hel her snakeness uovo primordiale satgzia surrealismo satgzia, il manifesto
Silversnake Michelle. Tales Satgzia
The Artist

I have the urge to communicate with real people, people outside the box and outside the "shitstem".

  1. The artist creates using his own personal language, sometimes symbolic, metaphorical, hermetic. Often image games affect more directly than words.
  2. I convey dreams/visions, metaphors of reality.
  3. I loathe the idea that the artist should self-refer. This happens often nowadays, because there is no longer the role of an agent doing that for them.
  4. I do not pursue fame. I want to devote myself to creation and not be distracted by fake strategies by which I parade my life, often through fiction to please you or to gain success. This is a fall-back. I would not be sincere.
  5. The artist is in the substratum. He gets down deep inside. Of the heart, of the society. He is the mantle boiling under the earth's crust.
  6. I like to believe that the artist has built his own values and remains coherent with them, even while changing the language to convey them. People often confuse inconsistency with the right to change. I can change myself. The view about certain things can evolve. If I change genre and start doing Trap instead of Rock, I am not incoherent. I just change my code. But my values are still the same.
  7. It is good to welcome work from our colleagues. If a composition doesn't resonate inside us, it doesn't mean that it is bad or that it lacks artistic value, it simply doesn't make our strings vibrate or we are not akin to that language. It could still be a cue to open up to new sounds/visions.
The Art
  1. I feel art as a MISSION. The artist is a warrior conveying his visions/dreams to create a new world together with his audience.
  2. I consider art as something seductive. A game that doesn't immediately unveil everything.
  3. In the digital age, social media can be used by an artist to notify events/performances. They can also convey flashes of art. Virtual is NEVER a substitute for real. I am NOT a mere image, I want to be more than a hologram ("digital iconoclasm").
  4. Art has also a social role. It is a cure not only for the artist, but also for the artist’s followers. With art we evolve together.
I let the river run.
Every day, it teaches me that you don't win through arrogance, but through tenacity.
Silversnake Michelle Hel her snakeness uovo primordiale satgzia surrealismo satgzia il manifesto

On a personal level, I think an artist should:

  1. Avoid toxic and oppressive relationships.
  2. Learning to listen. Without listening we are connected to nothing.
  3. To listen to himself and never deny himself. NEVER change his nature to please others. If someone doesn't like us, after all, who cares, it's not our problem.
  4. Never lose the centre.
  5. Always try to shift the point of view. To diverge. It enhances intuition and intelligence, one can find unconventional solutions.
  6. To shed the skin. Don't linger on what you have been if you no longer feel it. It's very difficult to let go. But it allows us to reborn.
  7. Never be categorised. Look for the collaboration with new artists, new sounds, new suggestions giving new incentives and allowing ones own demons to regenerate.
  8. Learn and deepen scientific knowledge and be open to different cultures and perspectives. They give inspiration while allowing us an evolutionary change.
  9. To dare. Going where no one dares to go. Memento audere semper!
  10. Do not fear loneliness and silence. These are the artist's first sources of inspiration.
  11. Fucking around. Just enough. Levity is important, but fucking around conveys it in a most powerful way.
  12. Do not close yourself off to new experiences, but always listen to your Ego and not to the voices of the Jiminy Cricket not reflecting us.
  13. Indulge and not to fear our demons. Without them, we would be nothing.
  14. Death is the conclusion of a journey and the end of one's mission. Memento mori. (Mo me lo segno eh?)
  15.  The funeral is the artist's last artwork.
Manifesto snakkiano serpentismo silversnake michelle machine divergente artist
Silversnake Michelle merchandising chocolate music in food
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