Her Snakeness


“Her Snakeness" è un concept, ed è il proseguimento del primo album "So in my mind", che rappresenta un suicidio virtuale per poter rinascere in modo nuovo.

L'artista sente di aver vissuto rinnegando la sua essenza per poter essere accettata dalle persone che amava e rimette in discussione con rabbia i rapporti amorosi e con i genitori. Distrugge tutto per poter ricreare le stesse relazioni in modo diverso, più vero.

Il concetto di tempo, che tormenta costantemente Silversnake, torna in tutti i brani e si confonde a tratti con quello di spazio. Il tempo scorre e riduce inesorabilmente la distanza che porta al termine del nostro viaggio di vita.

L'artista sente che il suo "tempo" non coincide con quello del resto dell'umanità. Questo la fa sentire diversa e a disagio e le fa perdere il senso della sua vita, che sente irreale e inesistente. Viene percepito un mondo che gira al contrario, troppo veloce e sente quasi di appartenere ad un'altra dimensione.

Perciò “Her Snakeness” fa venire fuori la parte più istintiva e rettiliana dell'essere. Basa la realtà sui sensi che però sono ingannevoli e mutevoli nel tempo.

Inizialmente l'artista segue irrimendiabilmente i suoi istinti e i suoi bisogni e li asseconda senza voler far entrare in gioco le emozioni, esattamente con la freddezza del Serpente. Poi ricerca se stessa; ha la sensazione che la sua anima sia "incastrata nel corpo".

Il vuoto che sente è talmente insopportabile che lo riempie con cibo sesso alcool e sale la rabbia che la porta a non riconoscere l'immagine riflessa nello specchio. Quello specchio in cui la realtà di nuovo prende una forma distorta, assurda e surreale e "il dopo viene prima del prima".

Her Snakeness è un album "sospeso" , un diallele in cui l'artista non riesce ad uscire da una reazione scettica nei confronti di tutto ciò che la circonda e che la allontana ancora di più dalla verità.


I testi e le linee melodiche sono state scritte tutte solo da Silversnake Michelle. Le canzoni spesso derivano dai sogni in cui l'artista si rifugia per cercare di rendere variopinta una realtà noiosa e nebbiosa. Gli arrangiamenti sono stati creati dalla cantautrice, da Daniele Marchetti e, per la batteria, da Valentino Vitali.

Per dettare le linee guida ai musicisti negli arrangiamenti, dà priorità al linguaggio delle immagini e meno a quello tecnico-musicale. Anche chi lavora con lei, deve esprimere il suo Io attraverso la musica.

In questo album si comincia a sperimentare, vengono utilizzati tempi dispari che si miscelano tra loro e passaggi tra tonalità apparentemente difficili. Ma per l'artista vuole essere una ricerca interiore più che musicale.

Poca cura della forma testuale e grammaticale, l'artista dà più importanza alla sostanza, all'emozione istintiva cercando di esprimersi in modo libero e utilizzando anche parole inesistenti o attribuendogli un significato personale e completamente diverso.

Usa molte metafore per raccontare la sua visione della vita. Così la comunicazione diventa criptica e introspettiva in molte parti. L'album è accompagnato da un'insieme di immagini surreali, accoppiate a ciascuna canzone e che messe insieme formano un autoritratto di Silversnake.


Music and Lyrics by Silversnake Michelle

Arrangements by Daniele Marchetti and Silversnake Michelle 

Vocals: Silversnake Michelle

Guitars and piano: Daniele Marchetti

Keyboards and additional guitars: Marcello De Toffoli

Bass: Enrico Mamoli

Drums: Valentino Vitali

Produced by Silversnake Michelle e Daniele Marchetti

Recorded at Massive Arts Studios (Milano)

Engineer: Adel Al Kassem

Mixed at Blue Light Studio (Milano) by Marcello De Toffoli

Mastered at Studio Tranquilo (Milano) by Stefano Barzan

Art direction and design: Silversnake Michelle

Photos: Daniele Marchetti and Massimo Santo 

All tracks arranged by Daniele Marchetti

Silversnake Michelle arrangements for tracks 8, 9, 10, 14

Additional arrangements and Special Effects: Marcello De Toffoli

Silversnake Michelle plays piano in tracks 8 and 14

Dario Arena plays guitar in track 9

Track 5 written by Alex Bevilacqua




Dino Brentali

Luca Vitali

Dario Arena

Luca Latini

Gualtiero Chiapello

Massimo Santo

Grazia Leonardi

Elena Salvi

Giuseppe Bariona

Gianluca De Palo


"Thank you Silversnake Michelle . You finally... do. "



Silversnake Michelle Drops Of Time Intrappolati nell’irrealtà del tempo

Surrounded by people, feels I’m in a parallel reality

Like an angel, I hear faint and weak hopes and far away minds

I feel their demons (hey) thunderously laughing

I see the wind blowing strongly, breaking Pandora’s Box

A mirror silently shouts: “the future comes before the past”

A strange illusion of un-being will run so fast

Meanwhile drops of time flow away restlessly and relentlessly

And in my universe grass and entropy forever reign

I wanna …

Tic tic tic tic

Tac tac tac tac

Don’t think you live a true life

But only fading drops of time

Don’t think we are real, we're surviving in our line

We are fake dust in drops of time

Heartbeats scan my emotions trapped in rough drops of time

I enjoy the silence crystallized in my surreal mind

Segments of space overcome by “persistence of memory”

And the lies fly fast and give me illusion of Panta Rei


Silversnake Michelle Proserpine


A girl with long hair in the depth of hell

she smells of time

Silky snow and purply sky

Blinding pitch dark tonight

Leer and loving glances in her far-off eyes

now she’s brave

Follow your primaeval wave

Show me your cave

String of bodies, tuneful groan, breath of love

inside the hell

Life in death, life in dark

Come in my cave.

I move inside

I smell your tide

Your tears and humours poured my face

Hades, dumb, peeps out

We dance around his pillar and lick his glaze

Proserpine’s lust, and the gulls are skimming the life

The river lights

Guilty rain

We lost in whiteness stain

Blunting endless

Your sighs lead me fulfil all your whims

the life we play

youth decay

but I’m as Dorian Gray


So when I wake up and

I finished my dream

I feel your lips and your breath… shiver on my skin

And when I wake up

I touch sweetly myself

You broke my heart and you sucked my love by stealth

I’m as Cassiopeia arrogant and vain

all the star in the sky are blood stained

Touch the breast and fire Proserpine’s shell

You can wear the wings of my hell

You think you won me but

You made a mistake

You fall in love and in bed with Silversnake …not me


Silversnake Michelle Deep Green

Looking at you through your deep green eyes

Keen as Ireland sighs

Your rusty fears are letal weapon

Its broke silver... light

While you dig in you, shape your changes

Will you decide?

Change point of view so circle becomes square

I need your green inside of me

I wanna feel deep green inside of me

Mirror of seasons engulfs and ravishes you in a rough way

The wrong possession, all icons of life burgeon... your brain

The truth will mellow

Your face dreams the light

But you need the night

To celebrate it

Hey, can’t change the color of the sky (Lie in your eyes)

Neglecting height of that cliffs and fly

The snake you hide inside

It is said life goes on but not always true

Sometimes the days go by

When the storm is over

Cross the horizon and touch infinity tonight

Our naked bodies...

Life will die and will restart here

Flood me with your fluid of love

Will you come inside?

Mmmmmmm in any way, you can give up

Amazing turn on your light

Earth and sky merge to form your deep green

I cry it to the... life

Listen to your... noisy silence

Change time in space

Cause crocodile swallows your greedy time

Don’t run, life is not a race...

Don’t run, life is not a chase...

Neglecting height of that cliffs and fly

It’s me that you hide inside

I sank my nails into your heart

That blood is life that start

When the storm is over

Cross the horizon and touch infinity tonight

Our naked bodies...

Life will die and will restart here

Flood me with your fluid of love

Will you come inside?

D.N.A. (Denial Normal Abduction)

Silversnake Michelle DNA vision of birth of Universe nascita universo

Losing mind of the tiger, sad at night

Looking for the flight, over the Light

In origin the world, was bored atoms.

Black hole might.

An atavic ride of space on speed created the movement of time,

She's dancing in the danger, against the blights

Stars and dark matter do somersaults

in a Milky Way, creating thunderbolt.

The universe immerse itself into the unknown

and in Nothingness

And the Tired Light Cosmology quarrels with Redshift

Big Bang’s regurgitating passions adriftIn dirty zone

there’s Snakeness

And I’m not alone,

so we fight our weakness

I’m disrobed,

and I begin to glow.

Who’s the next

to try my Alien and gloomy sex?

I have a denial of normal abduction

You are from Venus, DNA suction

Colors and passions in perpetual motion

If you suck my big lips you’re causing commotion

I’m megalomaniac, I crush my emotions

I inject in my veins, stardust drug potion

Colors and passions in perpetual motion

If you suck my big lips, it’s causing commotion

The collision of matter with the light

has formed mountains and fire in one night.

The imperfect perfect abducts your mind,

Slut Mother Nature behind

Whisper words of love, we’re charmed by stars,

by now already dead in the sky

At the beginning is Sun, in the end is White Dwarf;

time is a lie.


Silversnake Michelle Feet Of Nemesis

Help me to rip, help me to pierce

the body of the one who ruled

dictator is dead now, but we were deeply alive

in our cold trenches and in our hearts

Hugging my head back from the shore

she said to me "set yourself free

make yourself scarce, joy is the only grace

there must be a hangman entrapped in the space"

The man with the sun in his eyes

today, today, today, don't want me to see

the man with the big square hands

today, today, today, don't want me to hate

"…make yourself scarce, joy is the only grace

there must be a hangman entrapped in the space"

The man with the yellow sun eyes

today, today, today, don't want me to see

they're trying to tell me with fear

there's just been a slaughter right here, quick, escape

dictator is dead now, but we were deeply alive

in our cold trenches and in our hearts

How many times I've been adoring here,

prostrated at her feet

and how many times I'll be still venerating her

calling her sacred name,

calling out Nemesis

C9H13NIGHT (Benzedrine Night)

Silversnake Michelle C9H13Night

I can’t tell you what I wanna

I can’t tell you what I dream of me

All my invisible desires

Haunting obsessions of sex dash in polluted sea

Tameless instict knows my secret

Tangy and sensual smell of sinful tree

The dark side of my mind doesn’t regret

It all started when you kissed... me...

I lose myself in a dead land

I lose myself and I’m a rolling stone

I put my shadow in your hands

I want it all

I have found young forest in you


Will never...

Will never...

Will never...

I never drowned in benzedrine

But more than one life is my gasoline

Genius and madness in border zone

she’s cloned, she’s cloned alone

I never drowned in benzedrine

But more than one life is my gasoline

Dreamlike reign mingles with real

I feel hundreds of hands that touch me

Your hands explore my deep femininity

I feel your overbearing body inside of me

The forbidden place perversion

Crazy tizzy wets my delight

I scream upheaval of the explosion

An immense pleasure floods the Night

I retch my soul

I drench control

I lick my life-dream

I snow in benzedrine

So unreal but it looks real

All I built is fake

And now I destroy

to brake my uptake

Override everything

I betray myself,

I’m unfaithful to him

and to you and I live all my flings

Tuck away my love

What it meant to me?

I wanna destroy it

cause it fucks my joy...

Override everything

I betray myself,

I fuck both you and him

I don’t miss this chance


Will never...

Will never...

Will never...

I never drowned in benzedrine

But more than one life is my gasoline

Genius and madness in border zone

she’s cloned, she’s cloned alone

I never drowned in benzedrine

But more than one life is my gasoline.


Diallele Silversnake Michelle circular reasoning and Penrose

Rainy twilight of winter of endless space

Magnetic glance terrify my mind

And now my way seems síoraí steeplechase

My life inside drops of time

I sing my sorrow remaining motionless

Meanwhile world's running so illogical

I shake that system and I destroy soul mess

I stumble in dissertation ontological

So in my mind lose Silversnake

The mirror was broken forever

Playing with my presage

you try to give a sense in senseless diallel

Breaking your hot iron cage

you live with me in the summ-ter season

And I'll end all my days

in a cold shocking white room

I wonder what was my mistake

I feel lonliness under the stealth of darkness

So in my mind lose fire Silversnake

The mirror was broken forever

So in my mind reborn Silversnake

what is true when something will die

Demons in my mind (I fall into the void)

Demons in my lies (what I'm telling to myself?)

Demons in my mind (I desire Death tonight)

Demons in my lies (I fear of dark tonight)

I wanna live to tell

your story is burning in the hell

I wanna live to tell

to show you passion's smell

Singing my life on my stage

I'll never see sense in senseless diallel

Fucking my golden rage

I die alone in the summ-ter season

And I'll end all my days

in a cold shocking white room

I wonder what was my mistake

I feel fear of eternal darkness


Silversnake Michelle Dead End

This time I surrender,

I never found the Black Star.

I never be a gambler,

risk to be happy is so farI can't remember

who I was before I die.

I’m a loser pretender,

cause I've told so many lies

I just wanted to paint the air

I wanna to paint the hush,

but I can not find bright streets.

I'm not so young

and now I rush

and silence raped me

This is my last song

I say goodbye

to you and to me.

I move away, anyway

from here .

I crush the air

I follow over again

The wrong way,

I'll never see the reign

of dark side of moon,

but only a dead end,

so my dreams blown to smithereens

so the black and white

have create silver light

I feel like frightened child.

Mom hold me tight

and wake me with light

from this nightmare-life

Your love drips on my face,

but I'm too angry to wait for your light

My misery deface you,

I’m the bitch-bride of your Night

My soul is choked by rules

she scratches the ground with her tears

take me away black star,

my angel is far from you

BACKWARDS (Silversnake, answer this...)

Silversnake Michelle Backwards

A dewy night of wintry summer

I feel music running backwards

I am stuck and confused first of all

I am surrounded by hundreds of mirrors...

There’re my images, guffaw

looking at me

Bloody night! Fucking tears!

Why my thousand loves are not worth one?

Analyze it stupid mind!

So in my mind I try answer this

-grasp it

-but how do I grab the abstract ideas?

Mass and light wrangle

and the Universe expands to infinity...

back in time, back in space, backwards;

it expands contracting.

So the big bang is swallowed

by the ass of Uroboros

Blurred images and the light

strain slowly, backwards tonight

why can’t I write a happy song?

why the angels mingle with the demons?



ekansrevliS... Answer this... Backwards sdrawkcaB


Silversnake Michelle Garden Of Jasmine

Once upon a time...

A young king was jailed in the time

He ran through stormy sea of the night.

You must be brave,

you are not alone, Mom in your heart

Snow yourself cause your childhood is in the grime

You stumble and fall

You will never grow old

In a moment your heart is blue iced

Ignorant creatures

of the night cackled spiky

but the Mother of stars hugged your Psyche

Tears of Kitza

have drowned you in a deep green,

so purity of jasmine...

Your Mom cradled you, singing

and smell of her cuddles, and the color of her kisses

and thousand of rainbows danced on you.

Suddenly your eyes...

the eternal sleep leaned on you

and the dream of death became the death of the dream.

The dream of death wrecked the season of your life

Requiem Aeternam dona eis domine


Silversnake Michelle Labyrinth Suicide

I had a vision of the future past...

I was old, the only one in the world

The silence around and surrounded me

The world is vitrified, in the meantime

Death does not scare me

every day I die

every time, inside (of me)

I only remember the hugs of a child

Loneliness has no sound

Perversions wound

Obsessions rebound

I only remember the labyrinth suicide

Unclasp your love

Uncage my life

Unblinking heart

what I've become? I’m lost

The years pass and fade

and I still do not exist

The ashen Lady with

purple mantle comes

Mushrooms together dance

So please I need an other chance

Guilt smothers my life

and worms drag in labyrinth suicide

The extinct instinct cut mild wild

It tinges the water of the color of the rose

Narrow corridor of angels warp

World vitrified the smell of my child

Loneliness has no sound

Perversions wound

Obsessions rebound

I only remember the hugs of a child

Doors of hope that lead

into sliding and slippery worlds

blacker streets now are white

No longer labyrinth suicide

Unclasp your love

Uncage my life

Unblinking heart

what I've become? I’m lost

The years pass and fade

and I still do not exist

The ashen Lady with

purple mantle comes

Mushrooms together dance

So please I need an other chance

Guilt smothers my life

and worms drag in labyrinth suicide

REQUIEM (Slán leis na nathair airgid)

Silversnake Michelle Requiem

I wanna decode the words of the wind,

bodies melted in the fire, free souls scream

and so the bridge has collapsed, horses fallen down,

you were there to save my dream

The trooper whispers to escape or they kill me

I need his purity to protect myself

and sticky treacle of my passion-love sea

infected impression of the sacred seal

How is it possible I lost my time...

and I see my body is burning in the fire...

and the fugitive slave got 39 lashes

And I can finally catch my past

No life anymore

Try to do the best score

the end is near and fredoom's now clear

the end is near

Now it's 1975

begun the Era of the Light

Shadow grew into Desire

Back it's 1975

it begun the year of the Fight

Wolf and Snake make love inside

I was running away, chill air cut my face

I was surrounded by enemies of witches

I drunk in the Grail in a heretical daze

With purity of an irritating bitch

The trooper whispers to escape or they kill me

I need his purity to protect myself

and sticky treacle of my passion-love sea

infected impression of the sacred seal

How is it possible I lost my time...

and I see my body is burning in the fire...

and the fugitive slave got 39 lashes

And I can finally catch my past

No life anymore

Try to do the best score

the end is near and fredoom's now clear

the end is near

Slán leis na nathair airgid.


Silversnake Michelle Foundations Of Soul


Mother I have to say

Hey Mother, I need to pray

Live through love and love through life

don’t blow my dreams away

Mother my mind belongs... to Me

Mother your smile is wrong

You've killed and buried emotions strong

I'm whimsical lifelong

Why don’t you understand my life?

Why am I killed by you?

why your words are sharp like a knife?

And your crampled face is so blue?

Why must I am religious?

Why do you believe in God?

Why you drown inside your life?

Why can’t I take this wife?

Mother your hands are clean...

hey... Mother your silence screams

I’ve got white hairs and we’re getting old

Now make your fate you’ve foretold

Mother I feel afraid

Mother I won't change my image

Inside of you there is white wall

Let live your colorful scrawl

Mother I tried to try

Mother I need to fly

Don't be afraid, my wings are strong

Mother, I'll never let me cry


Do you remember, Dad?

When I was a kid, you played with me

But your way to love is ironclad

Your feelings are not easy to see

Do you remember, Dad? (mother)

When I was 15, you scolded me (mother)

Cause I was dancing instead

of studying maths and physcs

Do you remember Dad?

I’ve right to say what I think ‘out fear

You taught me violence, cause your slaps

Why do you talk to me so blear?

Do you remember, Dad?

Why can’t stop mom sea-roving way?

When she hurts you, never say

But you plunge in comic magazine


And now I understand that

It was my choices and was not your faults

I broke that stone, my life goes on

I can relish my adult salt

And now I understand that

I’m able to live alone

My love for all of you is high,

But I’m gonna sit on my throne.


Silversnake Michelle Madness


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